Thursday, August 22, 2024

go girl

 Hi all!  I have a sweet, feminine card to share with you today:

I'd like to enter this into the following challenges:

All Dressed Up - Anything Goes (2nd entry)

Try it on Tuesday - Make it Feminine

As You Like It - Favorite Coloring Medium & Why (I love coloring with alcohol markers for their vibrant colors and shading abilities)

Just Us Girls - Stencil Week

Stencil Fun - Anything Goes (optional: Summertime)

My image is a digi from All Dressed Up called Party Girl 03, I colored her with alcohol markers.  I created my background by using a Harlequin stencil with some modeling paste on watercolor paper.  Once dry, I used some Lindy's Magicals to paint the background with.  I added a key sticker & some text stickers.  Peace.


  1. So nice to see you in our JUGs gallery again, Jenn! You've created a fun background for this little cutie. Terrific card!

  2. Such a pretty feminine card! I love your textured background and the girl is so sweet and adorable - perfect 😊. Thanks so much for joining in the fun at Try it on Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

  3. The Magicals worked beautifully with the paste to make a fantastic background for your cute little girl, Jenn. Thanks for sharing your card with us at Just Us Girls.

  4. So sweet! Thanks for sharing your project with us at All Dressed Up Stamps. Pam S DT

  5. What a cute card. I love the sweet image and all that lovely texture. Thanks so much for joining us over at As You Like It Challenge!

  6. How cute and I love the girl power sentiment! I just got some of the Lindy's product and am anxious to try it soon.
    Thank you for joining our challenge at All Dressed Up Stamps and I hope you'll be back again soon. Marilyn

  7. Fabulous I love this design and your colour scheme is gorgeous . Thank you for sharing your wonderful project with us All Dressed Up Stamps Challenge. Hugs Neva
