I must be insane. I can't believe I'm even going to say this out loud, but we are considering moving. Again. For, like, the 10th time. OK - if you want to be literal, it would be my 12th time. Seriously. When Jeremy and I first decided to live together back in 1992, we moved into this little 1-bedroom apartment, with lead paint. And then found out we were pregnant like 2 months later. LOL So we moved out of there and into a 3-decker. I had never lived in a 3-decker and as soon as I moved in, I hated it. The landlord lived underneath us and would complain that we "walked too heavy" - HELLO - I'm 7-8 months PREGNANT!! LOL We didn't last long there, and in fact by the time I gave birth to Trevor, we had moved into a small 2-bedroom duplex that we liked a lot. But 9 months after we had Trevor, I got pregnant again. There was no room for another baby, so we moved again.
We moved into a bigger duplex and we liked it a lot. However, I was not working and Jeremy was not making a lot of money, and we couldn't afford it. We were always behind on everything. That was a tough time, having 2 babies at home and knowing that if I DID go to work, I'd be working to pay for daycare. I loved being a mom and refused to do that. So we moved into another crappy apartment in a really bad neighborhood, and we were miserable. We had only one car and I stayed home with the kids - I remember one day Jeremy was at work and Cassidy was about 9 months old. I kept putting her down for her nap in her crib, and she kept getting up and crying. After 3-4 attempts, I was getting frustrated. Suddenly, I heard a thump and Cassidy screaming. I ran into her room and she was on the floor with blood coming out of her mouth - I will never forget how horrified I felt, and how helpless. I picked her up, by now sobbing myself, and called Jeremy at work. It looked like it was her mouth that was bleeding. It took him all of 10 minutes to get home and we drove her to the Urgent Care department. They told us that it looked like she had knocked her front tooth out, and we should go home and look for it and then call our dentist. We did what they told us to, but we couldn't find the tooth! We went to see the dentist, who said "Well, no wonder you couldn't find the tooth - because it's still in her mouth!" We were like, "Huh??" She had actually landed face-first and KNOCKED HER FRONT TOOTH BACK UP INTO HER GUMS!!!! So all we could do was wait and see - and luckily, that tooth did come back down on its' own and everything was fine, but it was pretty traumatic! Let's just say the crib came down that day and my little psycho crib-jumper slept on a mattress on the floor in her room.
We didn't last too long at that place, either - we were actually looking for a better place from the minute we moved in. We ended up finding another place in a better neighborhood, and it was a 2-family house. We moved in there and stayed for a couple of years. We then began to want our own house to live in and we found a house for rent in a neighboring town. We ended up living there for 5 years - a record for us! After 5 years, Jeremy's uncle convinced us to buy his house and the rest is written down in another blog entry, so I won't go into that all over again. You can click on that and go read it if you'd like - go ahead, I'll wait. :o)
So we have been living in the house we currently rent for exactly one year now. We are happy and content, for the most part. I'm pretty soured on owning, don't think I'll ever want to again. Well, Jeremy's dad calls him the other day to let him know that his ex-wife (Jeremy's ex-step-mom) has a house for rent in the next town over, and that it has been vacant for almost a year because apparently no one could afford the rent that she was asking. So she recently lowered the rent and he thinks she'd lower it even more if it was us who wanted to rent it. So we decided to just go take a look at it yesterday. Well, I walked in and fell in love - and so did Jeremy. He had actually lived there as a kid, so I think a lot of memories came back for him. His sister Brittney, who I adore, showed us around, and they were so cute reminiscing about stuff from when they were little. LOL Anyway, we want to live there. The house itself is a little bigger than where we are now - and it's got CHARACTER, which I love. It's an older house -it was originally a 1-bedroom ranch that Jeremy's dad renovated many years ago into a 2-floor 4-bedroom, 2-bath house.
So - I would have my STAMPING ROOM back! The downstairs has the kitchen, dining room, and living room (which is a really long room), then a tucked-away bedroom and a full bathroom. This is the room that would be my stamping room, and I'm practically giddy just at the thought of it! Upstairs are 3 bedrooms, all good-sized, and another full bathroom. It's just perfect, really.
So Jeremy is going to call Lindsey today to inquire about the rent and try to figure out if we should start planning yet another move. I think our landlord would want at least 30 days' notice, so I am thinking we will most likely end up moving during Christmas/New Year's - FUN, huh? I am dreading it already, but a little excited, too. How can I not be? The college that I work at closes from Dec. 23 - Jan. 5, so I'd have that time off to get the move done, and that might actually work out, even though I know I will be an absolute basket-case. LOL I'll keep you all posted - keep your fingers crossed for me that everything works out the way it is supposed to. I firmly believe that it will - and that there is a reason that things happen in the way and timeframe that they do - if we are meant to live in this house, then we will. I just wish I could be like Samantha from Bewitched and just twitch my nose and have everything moved and set up in the new house! LOL

Jenn, I hope things work out for you to move into the new house. I am praying everything falls into place for you!
I am keeping my fingers crossed!! hugs, ME
ReplyDeleteOh Jenn, I'm really hoping and praying that you get this house. I'll keep my fingers crossed too for extra luck.
ReplyDelete{{{Big Hugs}}}