No matter how miserable or depressed I am, no matter what else is going on in my world, this is what keeps me going, these kids right here:

This is Trevor (above), he's 17 and today is his first day of his SENIOR year. I'm so excited for him and proud of him. He's smart, handsome, and caring - he has a heart of gold. To me, that means a lot. He's the one who doesn't like to see me cry, so I try not to let him. He wants to fix all my problems, and that's a big burden for a kid - even an almost-grown-up-kid. :) I love him with all of my heart and he has really helped me get through the past few crappy months.
And these beauties are my daughters... LOL... Jamie and Cassidy. Cassidy is on the right, she's 15 and my "real" kid - Jamie is her BFF and my 2nd daughter, she'll be 15 in a couple of weeks.
They are both sophomores in high school this year:
They are my clowns, the ones who make me laugh when I feel like crying. Cassidy is at "that age" - she can be a wretched, rotten teenager one minute and a complete sweetheart the next. LOL But I wouldn't change a thing - she is my "mini me" and I don't know what I would do without her. I simply adore her.
I just dropped off Cassidy & Jamie and now I am off to bring Trev to school - then I am going to my friend Missy's house to lay in the sun by her pool for the next 6 glorious, quiet, kid-free hours! Peace.